Co Scholastic
Student Council
Student council is a group of students elected by peers to participate in designated areas of school government. Any student is generally welcome to attend the council meetings. Student councils exist at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, though generally student councils are more prevalent at the high school level. Involvement at the lower levels has proven to be beneficial in that when students reach the higher grades, they have already experienced how meetings run and decisions are made.
Generally, councils participate in the planning of school events such as prom and spirit rallies. They also assist administration with events for the local community such as blood drives or donation collections. They work with the district's school board, school administration, parent organizations, student body, and local community to decide on and approve projects and initiatives for the school, students, and community.
Student council members bring ideas, requests, and feedback to the meetings and a democratic process is used to give students a voice and make decisions in creating a year-long calendar.

Prefects Council
The Prefects' Council is made up of the School Captain, House Captains, Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl, Games Captain for Boys and Games Captain for Girls and the House Prefects. The prefects of the school are selected by the faculty and the House staff. The Prefects' Council is advised and guided by a committee of Prefect Advisors.
The members of the Prefects' Council work together as a team to uphold the rules and regulations of the school and help to maintain discipline. Through their work as prefects they learn the valuable lesson that with authority comes responsibilities and its associated challenges. The Prefects' Council is the first step towards our goal of creating conscientious and responsible global citizens.