Co Scholastic
House System
‘Co’ as it says are areas that supplement and complement the entire teaching-learning process and effectively impact student learning outcomes. Curriculum during infancy stage is purely physical education; in childhood stage also no formal education is recommended , but continuance of some physical care and natural education; adolescent period is of intellectual education, labour and study – young pupils are occupied with word and activity (do and learn).
From an early age, the students in our school learn managerial and organizational skills, to take independent decisions and express themselves because of a very effective and highly functional House System wherein all students of classes VI to XII are divided into five houses namely Prosperity, Unity, Courage, Peace and Integrity. The House – system also fosters a sense of healthy competition and acceptance of multidimensional view points. Each house is under two dynamic house incharges who further appoint a house captain, secretary, joint secretary and a fleet of prefects – 2 from each class for ensuring discipline, cleanliness and smooth dispersal. Various inter house activities are conducted throughout the year viz. debates, recitation, Dances, flower making, Pot decoration etc. which culminate in the cultural extravaganza Abhivyakti.

The four Houses, represented by their distinct colours, are as follows: